
By GugsGhataure


Landed in Yangon, and land on my feet. An old friend I went to uni with, is kindly putting me up until I find an apartment. He and his girlfriend and incredibly welcoming. This sort of just feels like an extended work trip, and having spent 6 weeks here last year, the familiarity paves the way nicely. Really excited to be in Myanmar at a really exciting and important time for conservation.

I commute to work via taxi or bus. I like the buses, it reminds me of my my time travelling in India. Except the buses are less sardines squashed in a tin. People here drive worse than India or Kenya (though that's debatable if I think about Kenya growing up). Drivers here have no care for pedestrians or dogs. My cab driver hit a dog yesterday and carried on at full speed as if nothing happened. Luckily the dog also got up and sprinted off as if nothing had happened!

Now I'm not very tall (5'5) but some bus seats do not cater for anyone over 5'3. Sitting sideways is also difficult when the driver insists on letting more on than the bus can hold. The other day I got to work on my first bus journey. Day 2 - I ask the guy if the bus goes to Myay Ni Gone, he says yes and I get on. I try to pay, but it's shot off at full speed, so I decide I'll pay later when u don't have to cling on to the rail. I realise we are not going to Myay Ni Gone soon, and when I ask the guy again, he says in two more stops. I clearly know that is a lie - I can tell we are south of my work township and so I get off. They don't accept my money and say it's free. I found it funny and endearing. Atleast he was honest, because he knew they messed up.

Traffic is insane. There's a junction where you wait 20 mins for a green light! Traffic brings out the worst in anyone - after Kenya, I never wanted to live anywhere with traffic like that - Yangon can be a bit better, but I see it heading that way! Tempted to get a bicycle, but also terrified here. No joyful cycling like in Cambridge over here!

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