Lots to see....

First attempt at posting on blip from Cuba...whole new adventure with my tablet. We've been here for 4 days and life is pretty fabulous. Sunshine every day, lots of wind and the water is heavenly. The resort is very good, smaller than the others, but very satisfying. One of the things the reviews said was that this resort is one of the older ones and it is a bit tired...and that is the case, but it is still very comfortable, the staff as usual as lovely, and the food is very abundant and just fine. we can always find something that is very tasty.

my usual challenge is dealing with the constant stimulation...i find if i can listen to what my body is telling me i can cope well...but of course that has the challenges of having to be in the same room, all the time with my lovely Terry. He's such a night owl, and i tend to reach my shut down state around 10 pm!! So it is an interesting dance of paying attention to my own needs, and heading back to our quiet room when he is still out and about in the resort. A late night walk on the beach, after dinner, seems to fit perfectly with my sense of balance. the familiar stories raise their heads, like the one that says i should be more of a party girl....i used to be.....but i find now that i'm happy to go back to the room and read. of course so much of it is in my own little head...and terry is very easy going and doesn't seem to mind being left alone for the last hour or so.

this is a shot of one of the many kite surfers who are of course in their glory because of the fabulous winds. they are pretty spectacular to watch.

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