The Pied Piper

Can you see him on the mountain side? He's not just a shadow as I first thought, he's made up of trees. How magical! As was the whole day, but then with a blue sky like that it was always going to be. We even saw some lenticular clouds later on. For my geekiness here's a link explaining those.

I was snowshoeing from the Nordic Ski Centre again today, but with clear views tempting us, George & I went much higher. The thighs and glutes certainly started to burn a little but our efforts were well rewarded with outstanding views of The Tenmile Range and the Continental Divide.

In the forest today we saw many trails made by Snowshoe Hares and we spotted Mountain Chickadees in the Pine branches. They are incredible little birds which survive the freezing nights by reducing their body temperature and heart rate; a process called nocturnal hypothermia.

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