Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer

Burn notice.

This will be my last blip as KatKatzenjammer.

It saddens me to say goodbye to this account, as although my blipping as been a bit touch-and-go, I have stuck at it for over a year. I will be creating a new account. For those of you who have been part of my journey on here and would like to be part of the new account, please drop me an email to with your username, and I will let you know the new account. Or you can use that email address to find me on facebook if you would rather that. However, at least for a little while, comments will not be enabled on my entries. I will endeavour to comment on the journals of those I have formed friendships with over the last 13 months.

I guess I should explain why this is happening...

In the last 12 hours it has come to my attention that someone (or perhaps more than one) has been going to extraordinary lengths to make things rather difficult for me. As a result friendships have been affected, business relationships have been severed, and I have lost photo rights to a few big-name international shows that I have been looking forward to for some months. Details from my personal life have been divulged in ways they are not warranted. False information has been passed on to people a lot higher up the food chain than I, and inflamatory remarks relating to me and forums I use have been posted in public places.

I know, and openly admit that I am not always the easiest person to get along with. However, I cannot see reason for such malice. I don't go out of my way to hurt people, and if for some reason I do hurt someone, I do what I can to fix it as best I can.

So, why does blip have to go? Because whoever has been doing this has access to just about every little detail I make public, so until I know who is responsible and can cull them from my facebook, it's blip where I share a lot of information. And knowingly, or unknowingly, this person used blip against me, with someone I have professional dealings with. It was posted on one of their social networking pages, naming blip and my name, for all their friends and family to see. This person is a lovely man, and it angers me that someone has gone to such lengths as to find him, when he's not even the person their post should have gone to. Or maybe that was the point. Maybe a case of mistaken identity, but the point is, the man has been stalked, and left with something he couldn't explain.

That's what bothered me most. Someone completely innocent and uninolved has been dragged into this mess because of someone's vendetta. But, where is the honour and courage in being so sneaky. If you have an issue with me, confront ME. Don't try to make things insanely difficult. Don't hurt people that have nothing to do with the situation. Grow some proverbial gonads.

And with that, I bid you all adieu.
Thanks for your time, lovely people. xx

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