
This rose is only one from a vaseful of roses which have defied old age and have been brightening up the window sill for well over a fortnight.
So dried out and elderly are they, that a congratulatory card from the Queen would not go amiss.

This is in strict contrast to the patio primulas which have not recovered from their long submersion in inches of water while we were on holiday and have today been relegated to the dustbin.

I don't often post flower blips, but apart from giving a little limelight to the elderly rose, today has been so unremarkable that nothing else has seemed worthwhile blipping.

I suppose the one remarkable thing is that it hasn't rained yet, but blue sky is in short supply, even non existent.

It's hard to contemplate a possible week of summer weather near La Rochelle in France when we go there at the beginning of August to take part in the Semaine Federale, a French cycling bonanza where people of all shapes and sizes pour themselves rather unattractively into lycra and pedal about the countryside.

It's so long since summer clothes were required here, that I've forgotten what needs to be packed just in case we have a summer there. It's hard to imagine the use of sun screen.

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