Cromer Pier and the Pavilion Theatre

Today was Mollie's second shift in her new job here, at the Pavilion Theatre on the end of Cromer Pier.

We were both up about 9.30 and after doing her tie for her (uniform is all black plus a lilac tie!) I dropped her off on a windy Cromer seafront at 11.

I struggled to focus on the rest of my day, finished the ironing, put the boxes back in the loft that I got out yesterday, then once the rain stopped i took the dogs out. After lunch I made a card and some earrings for a friend. I did very little else, and was surprised at 3.30 (or perhaps I wasn't ) when Henry and Jon arrived home early from their weekend camping with Cromer Sea Scouts. They were tired and wet, and probably quite dirty! They both shot off upstairs to shower and change.

I collected Mollie a bit after 5. She had a much better day, and with a show by Steve Hewlett (Britains Got Talent finalist 2013) it was much busier behind the bar. Now feels she can do the job. I know she can. Having relatively recent experience of starting a new job, I remember that feeling of anxiety and self doubt. She will be fine.

I cooked a dinner, then vegetated, eating too much chocolate than is good for me.

Back to work tomorrow.

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