A Ramblers Tale

By ramblerstale


Meet Snow Monkey as dubbed by me. WorldLens and I went to Ancient Coffee today (I am showing her my haunts here) and we met this little lady. She curled up in both of our laps and purred herself to sleep. She was a great source of rest today, the lady who owned the shop offered her to me but I declined politely (not that I wouldn't have loved to take her home) but I figured Bear (the Tazmiester) would have been jealous.

I loved this shot because the DOF made her seem really fluffy, though I gotta say Worldlens and I had a hard time picking.

We had a lot of fun. It's been nice to have Worldlens here and find rest in the friendship that we have and the knowledge of each other we have. I am reminded as I am typing this of the song "A little home" by Rascal Flatts, She's been my little taste of home this week as we've caught up and just enjoyed one another. Yeah for silly kitties, good coffee and friends.

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