Dazed and Confused.

No new-to-blip birds seen today, but we've had a brilliant time. The weather has been very kind and we've seen some superb scenery and wildlife - hard to know where to start. Lots of Geese, and we are talking thousands: mainly Barnacle, but also plenty of Greenland White-fronted and some Greylag. We've seen Raven, Chough, Hen Harrier, Buzzard, assorted ducks and waders, a huge flock of Golden Plover, our first Summer migrant - a Wheatear, we've seen Rabbits, Roe Deer and Brown Hares.... the list goes on. But easily the funniest thing we've seen was this bewildered Pheasant being dive-bombed by a pair of Lapwing, whose nesting area it was clearly invading. It stood its ground for ages despite the long and sustained attack.
Having trouble uploading extras here, but I think I've managed one of the Hares.

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