Fairy pools ...

as the journey continues we make our way over to the West of the Isle of Skye heading past the village of Carbost on the road to Glen Brittle. A busy car park to the right and a wee green sign with "Slagaghan" underneath Path to the fairy pools. After parking the car a small descend down the path heading towards the foot of the Black Cullin. A hop skip and a jump over the stepping stones (plenty people were carrying buggies over the stones) the first pool was visible, the walk only 2.4km. The breath taking (and i'm not talking about the cold!!) crystal blue water pools descending off the River Brittle. The walk becoming more and more beautiful as we carry on.
After hearing about the Fairy pools its a definite must see on the Isle of Skye, probably best in the summer but some wild swimming would be a treat. :)

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