Covered in Bees

By PaulFS

Cuba Day 5

Transfer day from Havana to Varadero.

A coach took us on the 2 1/2 hour drive and I got this scene from the coach window. I don't have an eye for street photography but for whatever personal reason this scene stood out for me as very 'Cuba'. 

A shame to leave Havana - it warrants a second visit at some point!

Our hotel at the resort turned out to be lovely. Our room was on the ground floor though and we desperately wanted a sea view, so the helpful Boris at reception said that the next day we could see some available rooms and move if we wanted to.

Was delighted when I sat on the veranda with a beer chilling out, to see a hummingbird! I didn't even know they had them in Cuba! Photo's were too fuzzy but I made it an ambition to get a shot before the holiday was done.

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