Getting late and I had nothing to blip so here is ................... one of the things I buy for a little treat.  Each biscotti counts as 1 syn on the Slimming World plan.  Most biscuits have a lot more syns than that.  These baby biscotti are handy to have with a cup of coffee and they taste OK.  ( You can't dunk them though as they just melt away )

Usual trip to Morrisons this morning. Then a walk down to the village this afternoon to get my repeat prescription.  Its been a lovely day - a bit cold but lots of sunshine.

Neil was here all day until about 5pm then he was off to work for the late shift.

My sister in law Virginia invited me to go round to see her and my brother John tomorrow evening.  She asked me to get in touch with my other brother to ask him if he would come too.  He has Aspergers and tends to keep himself to himself and none of us have seen him for years.  I keep in touch with him regularly by phone and email.  We are trying to get him to meet up but its not easy.  I emailed him a few days ago about getting together.  No reply.  So this evening I phoned him to ask if he wanted to come tomorrow.  He said no.  It was a " bad time. "  A friend had just died, he was having sleepless nights and he was recovering from a broken ankle.  He readily admitted that these were all excuses and none of them would really prevent him from coming. But of course he didn't really want to come.  Hopefully in a few months when he is asked again he will be in a better frame of mind and accept. I will keep on trying.

Going to get on with the ironing now. I hate ironing.

Steps today - 9,249

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