Out Of The Box

Meet Petey who has, until quite recently, been in storage for a couple of reasons.  First, I had no place to hang him and second, he needed some repair and I'd never had any luck finding anyone to fix him.  The connection between Petey and his perch was damaged so I couldn't hang him up without risk of him crashing to the ground.  He also had a crack in his tail.  I've had him for slightly more than 35 years.  My son Mark was too young to drive back then so he had a friend take him shopping so he could get me a birthday gift.  Petey's been one of my most treasured possessions ever since.  He's been packed away for probably 10 years and I am thrilled that he's back where I can enjoy him.  His repairs have been made by an amazing glass artist I discovered living about five blocks away from where I've been  living for the last nine years.  That was really a pleasant surprise and she did a beautiful job on him.  

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