The Crows' Chronicle

This tree is where I think a crow couple are thinking of
nesting.  I see this tree out my kitchen window, and have
noted suspicious behavior.  One crow sits high on a
lamp post and the other is up on the second branch
fussing about on the first major branch coming out
on the right and quite close to the far right trunk.  Yet when
I walk under this tree, I see no evidence of a beginning
nest. If I could wish it to be true, it would be! When I try
to catch the crows' activity on camera they scold and
fly away.  Any suggestions?????
Nesting Season of the American Crow: Project.
MAP OF CROW NEST BUILDING, NESTING, AND FLEDGING Yellow pointers show 2011 data. Blue pointers show 2010 data. Drag map to show locations not ...

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