Making a pleacher

Making a pleacher is difficult- I stayed well clear. I would have cut right through the tree.  This is Ian (who is trained is this sort of thing) making a pleacher so that the tree will become a living hedge.  The extra is John turning the pleacher into a hedge. John  has won competitions in hedge laying so he was trusted to make pleachers too.  My job was to put unwanted branches on the bonfire and take photos.

Technical detail -how to make a living hedge:- 
The stem of the tree or bush is partially cut at its base at an angle. The art is in knowing how much to cut through the stem while keeping life in the remaining connected piece but allowing the flexibility needed to bend the trunk 35 to 60 degrees without breaking. These remaining stems or trunks are now known as pleachers. The angled trunk stump is cut off straight to prevent disease and promote new vertical growth - With thanks to The branches on the pleacher are then interwoven between stakes. 

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