
By eceerenler


         Colorful balloons make me cheerful. Most crucial point is whether I can shoot them with the gun or not. The sea beyond the balloons saves people because after shooting the bullet, it falls down into the endless sea. The only chance to earn a plush toy is through shooting more than three balloons. This knowledge encourages me to shoot perfectly. Some of them are flying even though they are connected to a rope like trying to escape from prison.

         In the real world, there are success and failure. We don’t have to always win because sometimes challenges can make success harder to reach and this causes failure. One of the life lesson that I learn from this photo is most important thing is not giving up because this is the true failure. Persistence is the first step to reach a successful aim. For example, I didn’t give up to reach my dream that coming Istanbul from Konya even if sometimes I fall down and lose my passion.

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