
The title sums up the day I had in the shop.
After just getting over the Easter Monday rush we were again having to cope with another holiday Monday for this Monday coming.
Hardly time to take a breathe and to add to the pressure this was my last day in the shop before my move to Campbeltown.
I've had a lot of my regular customers in wishing me well for the future and they have been very generous with their gifts :-)
I will miss everyone in the shop too as we have gone through lots of things together as a team.My core staff haven't changed in the eleven years I have been in the shop and they are a great team :-)
There were some tears when we closed the shop and unfortunately I didn't get to pose outside the front of the shop, apologies to Freespiral :-(
So that was my last day too busy to think and frazzled like my image this week for Abstract Thursday :-)
Apologies too for my recent lack of commenting I hope to catch up now that I should have some time in between packing :-)

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