My Attempts

By Bernydoll

Wednesday - the best day of my week.

I look after MJ on Wednesdays and we just have fun. This week we went for a bit of grocery shopping which takes a while because I let him "help" me. Then we went to the local shops before heading to the children's play park. We look at all sorts of things on the way. We stop to see the numbers on the pillar box for example, or trace the letters on the board outside the newsagent's with the day's headlines. Or we stop and watch a van reversing, the driver getting out to deliver a parcel. It's amazing how interesting everything can be to a two year old. The play park is adjacent to our local railway station and that is just The Best! MJ just loves watching the trains pulling up at the station. There's an extra of him enjoying the slide.
You can see Gerry and Luke here, still catching up this week

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