A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Of the right sort for once. Fabulous evening for a stroll. Even one that turned into a slightly longer walk than normal when I somehow took a wrong turn. But hey, my weekly step challenge is pretty much sorted.

Morning saw the departure of Anna to Bass Camp until Saturday. Her first proper trip away and she was very excited and we are finding the house far too quiet. Carl dropped her and all her stuff at Kings Cross and then the weird 1980s experience began as she has no phone (not sure there is signal in rural Norfolk anyway) and so we don't expect to hear anything about or from her until Saturday.

Pretty good day for me and J. I got a reasonable amount of work done - of both the paid and the home variety. J did some maths, all his physio exercises and a park trip with the dog to chuck a ball about. He has a Fitbit now and, as we hoped, is finding it very motivating to watch his step count go up. He's also continuing to do really well at managing himself and pacing himself and taking breaks and eating well to ensure he doesn't have any crashes. As ever the progress is pretty glacial but it's there and in the right direction so we'll take it.

Lesley x

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