Copenhagen.... the name of this horse, who looks pretty annoyed at having a common gull standing on its head. The statue is of Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington. As you can see, he also gets a fair amount of gull trouble in the head area. WelcometoScotland.come tells me that "The horse is Copenhagen, a favourite of the Duke's - a superb battle horse that was unflinched by gunfire. He was ridden by the Duke throughout the whole Battle of Waterloo. Later he was retired to the Duke's estate of Stratfield Saye where he died aged 29 in 1836 and was buried with full military honours."

It's hardly worth mentioning that I was on my way in to the station in order to catch a train to.....Milton Keynes. And yes, I was booked in to the same hotel as last week. Regular viewers will not be surprised that I checked the wardrobe and cupboards very carefully before retiring for the night.

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