On new Hölleberg explorations

A clear sky and new sunshine makes you long for a special expedition. Starting at Gründefeld. Taking the mounting track straight on into the forest on the Eastern Hölleberg slope. Discover the origin of the Knickgraben brook. Mounting further up to the brightest belvedere bench I know. Just here in the surrounding countryside. And finally - after crossing to the other end of the Hölleberg - find out if the descending Horbach brook over there has some kind of tracable well.

Perhaps our condition wasn’ t too well. But the weather really got bright and sunny. So there we went. We followed the muddy track through the forest. But the well of the Knickgraben  did not show up. We leave that for a next time. Out of breath and sweating we rested on our favorite bench. There is a wild hawthorn bush which protects you from the Northern winds coming over the airstrip. Now the wind was East. Too fresh to dry up. As I started to sneeze we walked to the Westend.

The views from there are magnificent. You feel in touch with the magic white clouds, dancing a sheep dance on the dry and barren chalk of the mountain soil. As we turned down and around at the other end, we had no more time to look for the Horbach well.  Saw a sheep herd grazing down in the valley. The descending track was not difficult to find but long to go.
Tired, some missing discoveries and experiences, but sun burnt and elevated we came home. Late enough for a short nap and a nourishing Minestrone. Home made of course.

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