No Wonder I Am Exhausted!

My white poodle friend Nellie's mum called early to ask if she should bring me along for their walkie. As mum is still not walking, we said yes! We ended up going for a 6,8 kilometre walk, according to an app-thingy. Wow! Me and Nellie had a good time, but I was on my lead because I don't really know them very well yet.

Me being exhausted, I left it to mum to go get a standalone microwave and put an end to the whole microwave debacle chapter in our lives. She came home with a red one. We have decided to be happy with that.

In the evening, mum had decided to be brave and attend Alice class with a crutch. She had even asked the teacher if it was OK. For the first time in two years she forgot to check the weather forecast before leaving the house. Five minutes into class, dark clouds drew in and heavy rain started to fall. Neither of us had geared up. Oh my. It took all we had to remind ourselves that we are bold and brave Gryffindors at heart, and to stay and fight. Which we did until the end. Wet, cold, hungry and miserable we were so happy to finally come home!

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