Red Flash

By RedFlash

Delayed due to emergency engineering work

Train left Waterloo on time and then crawled as there was a speed restriction due to emergency engineering works. The journey took 30 minutes longer than usual. 30 minutes of blipping time lost.

Look we had sun today - well at least at the beginning of the day. This is the view from Blackfriars Bridge with the photograph taken at the last Silver Jubilee celebrations in 1977 on the Sea Containers House. It is a 100m by 70m and is one of the most memorable photographs ever taken of Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip and their children.

Go large to see the full panorama.

The thing that made me smile: Finally put some of my photos in the post to a friend who is decorating his house. I've offered to get some professionally printed and mounted when he finally decorates

Exercise: Walked across London. Did some sit ups

PS Is it me? The man that sat next to me tonight also removed his shoes

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