Spring refresh

It started wet and miserable this morning so the boy and I decided to do some cooking, we prepped ready to make a steak and ale pie and were going to bake some cakes but then forgot he had the last of the eggs dippy style! Hubby was picking some up from the farm so we will bake tomorrow.

We found plenty of other things to do to keep us occupied, when hubby got home we got the sewing machine out to finish making the new cushions for the extended outside seating he very cleverly made from pallets.

We had our lovely steak, ale and mushroom pie for dinner followed by a Mario kart battle!

One more day then back to work next week, I've had a lovely time being off with the boy, gutted to have to go back, love my job but wish I could stay at home with him but that wouldn't pay the bills. Luckily he only has two days of holiday club and then home with daddy.

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