Holiday starts here!

I am now off work until 11th April - am very much looking forward to the break :)

One thing I am determined to do whilst I am off work is to complete my first crochet project. I snapped my wool as I loved the pattern it was making as it unraveled. It reminds me if the Spirograph kit I used to play with as a kid!

Leo and I began our Saturday with pancakes at 6:30am. He managed to toss them all without a single mishap this time :)

Leo then had a golf lesson whilst Ian got in some practice on the driving range and then they met us at the Library for elevenses. We then popped to Exeter to check out flooring and furniture since it is about time we tidied the house up a bit. We have been waiting until Leo is out of his messy and destructive phase and reckon we can risk it now :)

We came away with loads of ideas and ordered some new flooring for the hallway - so have made a start! I am going to try and talk Leo into another toy cull in order to aid the tidy up efforts :)

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