
By Third_eye

On the caffeine trail again

Yesterday started with a promise of tea, until I changed my mind and decided to have coffee instead (real coffee, not instant!). I used to think I was indecisive but now I'm not so sure because as the Scottish bard put it so eloquently, "The best laid plans of mice and men gang oft aglay," and I found that my coffee machine needed descaling. But I always keep a tin of fine-ground whole bean instant for such an emergency, and that saved the day.

Today though, after descaling the machine it worked perfectly at breakfast . . . but I'll be back on the Jasmine tea this afternoon.

(There's just no satisfying some people, is there?)

But before that, I have another decision to make, because my neighbour, who has been an angel of mercy since I have had difficulty getting around on my own, has kindly offered to escort me on the bus to Ipswich for a Mexican lunch, which should put new fire in my belly and perhaps even provide inspiration for a new blip tomorrow, but I still have to decide what to drink with that fiery food!

Life is full of decisions, isn't it?

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