Rave In A Cave

Last time we came up to the lakes we hired Land Rovers for a day of off-roading. It was such a brilliant day that we decided to do it again and we weren't disappointed. We  requested a more challenging route and that was exactly what we got. D drove and Poppy navigated brilliantly. Over dirt tracks, steep hills, down narrow lanes, over huge boulders, through deep water, and beautiful scenery. The route took us all around the Langdales, Coniston and Elterwater and was stunning. We stopped at Little Langdale for lunch and left the Land Rovers while we walked to Cathedral Caves where I took the photo of the children and the extra one of Alfie.
We came back home over Wrynose and Hardknott Pass, driving through the clouds, D and Heidi tackling the hairpin bends like pros. The children don't even mind the sheer drops anymore. We're all feeling very much at home.

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