New York Treasure Trove

Here is just some of the treasure trove acquired in New York. Remember, the trip concentrated on quilting and textiles and visits to fabric, trim and bead stores figured high as well as a quilting show with traders on the last day. I unpacked them all this morning and took a picture before I start to put (squirrel!) them all away. Of course, I will have many, many memories of the trip apart from what I bought. There are images stored away in my head and I'm also hoping to print out my many photographs and add it all into a sort of scrapbook.  You can read more here.

I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone for the hearts, stars and comments you have left for me and also apologize for not returning any myself. The days in NY were filled to the brim with activities and most specially walking. It was the best way to take it all in and although the various bus tours we did were great to see loads of the highlights of the city, the walking put our feet on the ground and in touch with New York it self. Specially our walk through Central Park in amazing sunshine and 25 degrees Celsius will remain in my memory for ever as will the moment I stood in front of Starry, Starry Night in MOMA. And there are many other times that I'm sure will be with me now forever. 

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