6 years

Sam Feldt - Show Me Love (EDX's Indian Summer Remix)

After a massive 12 hour sleep fest recovering from stomach ails, it was off to the park for some more cherry blossoms but more importantly, meeting up with close friends to whom I've known my whole time living in Japan. One in particular who I started here on the day. It was our 6th year Japanniversary. We've been through a lot and done some awesome things, her a lot more so than me, but I treasure it. My ex-neighbor will be leaving Japan very soon and I can't believe how fast time flies. He's been such a great friend. I know that I learn every single time I'm with him. It's really amazing how much people enable you to pursue excellence and the better parts of life. It's sad to see you go but I'm happy for it. It's great to have a Japan family.

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