Welcome to the Kingsgate...

Have you ever been to the new extension to the Kingsgate Shopping Centre in Dunfermline?

The carpark section seems like the most ill-conceived multi-story ever built.

The layout is brilliant, they haven't really utilised the space they have very well and it feels like a third of it taken up with the up and down level ramps. The very worst part however is the payment machines.

I get the feeling there was some sort of council bribe or something to get them installed. They just have no redeeming features. I just imagine the meeting where they were presented with the options and were like "Woo, that's clever, that's different, that'll make us stand out."

Makes it stand out alright!!!

When you enter, you get dispensed with a small blue plastic coin about the size of a £1 coin. Perfect for losing in amongst any change you may have in your pocket. Then in a day and age such as this, it seems like a step back to the dark ages that you have no option to use a debit card to pay for your parking.

Oh I forgot about the lifts that seem to be programmed by a random finger stabbing monkey. I don't think there is any logic to the way they work at all.

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