Had a call on my mobile this morning from a large enthusiastic Flemish lady florist to let me know that the streptocarpi I'd ordered had arrived. Picked them up during the lunch break.

Eight plants in a plastic tray - gave one to Cécile & one to S (CC's partner) - shall give one to Nellie to be a friend to the one I gave her two years ago... That'll leave me with five - it's going to be a challenge to find a way to get them to thrive... The streptocarpus doesn't like too much direct sun, but in this basement flat I don't get enough :o(

I'll find a way!

Next weekend blood orange marmalade - and I need to prick out the new chilli seedlings - I have viable Naga Jolokias, Bishop's Hats, Monkey Faces & Aji Lemons - roll on Friday :o)

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