Covered in Bees

By PaulFS

Cuba Day 9

We did have a plan of getting some cigars, a bottle of rum and going to the beach after dark to smoke and drink, but the wind was very strong and we abandoned the plan, settling instead for the balcony.

The evening entertainment in the hotel was great - saxophone and dance. Cuban youngsters (yes I did use that word...) seem to have musical hearts and lap up ballet and violin as well as jazz and whatever else. I've often thought that the best violin player in the world could be your next door neighbour, but if they didn't 'do' violin at the school they went to, then they'd never know. You get the impression that in Cuba, the opportunities to develop your artistic side are open to all, and very much encouraged.

I tried my hand at Salsa but I think I looked more like a unicyclist without a bike.

Not many photo's today but this was the view from the balcony to the beach.

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