15 Foot...

First day of War of the Thistles 2016 up in Aberdeen.  We did a wee west coast tour to get up here, stopping off at Carnoustie and Arbroath to check out those skateparks.

When the event kicked off proper the skating was superb as usual.  As well as the usual street, miniramp and bowl jams, we did a best trick contest on this wall ride.  Now you probably can't see the sheer size but just compare Adam here at the top with the spectators down at the bottom.  This is a 15ish foot wallride with at least 6 foot sheer vertical surface.

This was a natty wee frontside grab/kickturn (you can see a slo-mo of it here)but the money trick went to Alex Halford who managed a rock and roll over the top of it.  That's flying toward it to the top, putting the front of the board over the top, pivoting, then turning back into the ramp and riding it out.  Amazing...

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