Barrio Sa Penya

Today I just feel heavy about all that's happening in Sa Penya re the evictions...we saw José tonight, he looked tired, drawn & worried. It was wonderful to have big hugs and kisses & to hear about how people are feeling... Danny’s just gone back out to have a drink with him. 
I just put Asha to bed & we were talking about José & the evictions, she asked why they couldn't stay in their homes...I said they're not allowed to, people want lots of money for the houses...she said 'i'll give them (the Romani Gypsies) my money so they can buy a house and feel happier.' I loved the fact she wanted to do something & offered her piggy banks worth!

This photo is from Caña Club tonight...a couple of extras too...'barrio' means, local area, or zone...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Seeing José...I feel so privileged to call him a friend...
2) Asha's giving & generous spirit.
3) Seeing Marco SH tonight...sooo delighted he's back! He gave Asha face paints inside a toy phone - she LOVES's what she's studying in the extra blip.

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