The old through the new...

What a great day we have had! 
A cooked breakfast followed by the Park and Ride bus into Salisbury...easy.
It was market day and good to look around, although apparently Saturday is the best day for that.

Then onto the cathedral......MAGNIFICENT. I did my college final dissertation on cathedral vaulting and the fan, hammer and lierne ceilings here are just incredible. The stained glass windows too....I could have spent hours there. 

We ate lunch in the cathedral refectory (my extra),  a very clever and tasteful modern architectural extension using the flying buttresses of the external walls. The blue sky added to the wow factor today! 

The Magna Carta exhibition was also very very good!

Then home for a little while before enjoying a very nice Thai meal in Broughton. 

And sister no. 1 is fast asleep in the bed next to me.....zzz. Me too very soon. 

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