More jiggery & pokery.

Prunus incisa 'Kojo-no-mai'.

I was a bit chuffed about remembering its name from a glance at Hayes t'other day, well the Japanese bit at any rate.
When I came to check if I was right - I got as far as Prunus 'Koj when up popped the full "Sunday" title of Prunus incise 'Kojo-no-mai'

Herself suggested a shot of this wee thing. Problem was getting what she wanted without detracting from the plant. Choices of backdrop were...
1. Most of the V50.
2. Chris's house end.
3. The house across the road, gable end.
4. A split between Bungalow & Campervan Mobile home.

After mucho pintle Oh I came over all crafty, shot it in daylight with aperture, etc. then mucked about with it until it looked kinda promising.
Next job - shift the Downspout into obscurity.

I just can't let things rest, I had to slope off and check - found this:-
"There is no way to really tell without the original Japanese alphabets. Kojo needs a 'u' on the end to be 'castle', and 'mai' could be 'dance'. Something's dance? 
'Kojou' could be 'On the lake' - the dance by the lake. If you're referring to the 'kojo no mai' cherry tree, this would make some sense as they are small and graceful. 
'Koujo no mai' means 'The dance of the imperial princess'. 

This name is misspelt, even if the grammar is right."

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