#RHSTatton @The_RHS

I had a lovely day at the RHS Flower Show at Tatton Park in Cheshire. This is one of the best shows - more accessible and friendly than Chelsea and with all the skill and creativity you could wish for.

The winning show garden was The Mornflake Garden, designed by Janine Crimmins and I was fortunate to be admiring this one when the official photographer was taking his shots. This is Janine in among the beautiful softness of the garden that celebrates oat production and milling.

The role of wind and water power in the milling industry celebrated with the inclusion of metal wind sculptures and a central circular weir.

The Mornflake Garden

There's a programme about the show on BBC2 at 7.30 tonight - and another one later in the week.

Other shots from today

Trespassers will be composted

Ladies who lunch

Long jump - National Flowerbed competition

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