Now to find the pot of gold

This evening after work I went for a walk in search of my blip , Julie came for a walk with me even though she had her blip. I took a few shots upon returning home I commented that we had just got home in time as it went rather dark and then started to rain heavy. Julie was in the kitchen when she commented that there was a rainbow. So I went outside and stood at the end of the passageway and grabbed a couple of shots , change of blip shot it was.
If you look carefully you can just make out a 2nd very faint rainbow. I have since seen a few shots on FB including 1 my sister took and 1 my niece took showing the 2nd rainbow clearly , just wish I had spotted it at the time. I also like the shadow of the tree on the end of the house.
A relaxing evening no plans to go out any more.

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