A single moment in time

By WannabeAmateur

Over half way!

My 200th blip! Hurrah! There have been times when I didn't think I would make it. Some days there seems unlimited blips in the world (which there are!) and I am spoiled for choice, and then other days when its a struggle to find a single one. I would have loved to have taken a special shot in Edinburgh today but my work calendar and the weather threw a spanner in that plan. So, another indoor July blip.

Thanks to everyone who stops by to say hi, and comment on my blips. It really does mean a lot and I have learnt so much from the many talented people on this site. I know its a cliche, but blip really does change the way you view the world and it doesn't take long to become an addict. My name is Jen and I'm a blipaholic...

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