Worrying Wednesday

In all my years as a Pharmacist in the service of the public of our great nation, I never got to grips with veterinary posology.

The correct dose of aspirin for a cat? There isn't one!! Cat's can't handle aspirin! Who'd a thought it?

Anyway, worrying day yesterday. Tess, the dog, started the morning by finding a discarded cough drop { No need to make this any longer}, she spat it out and obviously had no use for Mr Potter's ancient human nostrum. Later that morning, she was sick in the lane. No bother, it didn't stop her chasing rabbits and picking up a thorn in her paw. After lunch she started staggering around the house, she began to drool uncontrollably and was sick again, and again. We were worried by this turn of events and, anxious parents, ran off to the vet. Sick in the car.

The vet, lovely chap, calmed us, examined patient, still drooling, wobbly distressed and decided there was little wrong with her that 2 jabs, a fistful of tablets and 70 quid couldn't sort out.

We took her home and watched as the miracle took effect. By evening, grumpy dog wanted to know where her tea was and her regular tooth-cleaning treat? Ice cubes didn't quite cut it with her.

This morning? Little miss bouncy, pretty much back to normal?

The vet's medicine was something we don't get for humans, it seemed to work like a charm, I wonder why?

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