Back Steps to Town House

No Art Class today because our tutor is on holiday in Tuscany.  Lucky girl! Time, therefore, to do catch up things like making appointments with Dentist and SpecSavers. Amazing how I have to wait until June for a dental appointment, but can get a SpecSavers appointment next week. In between April Showers I took some shots of Montrose Town House. It was built in 1763 to house various public offices. It has gone through many changes since then, and continues to be used as local government offices and now houses the Access Office. No idea what an Access Office does but you don't get access to it up these stairs. In fact I've never seen anyone use these stairs ever. The extra gives some idea of the splendour the old building once displayed  -  now, as you can see from my blip, it needs a good clean up and removable of chewing gum floor decorations. Gulls - see my other extra - are not welcome!   They may be aggressive, but they don't leave as much mess as the chewing-gum louts chewers.  Have a nice evening, everyone:)


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