The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

One of those days ..

I hate days like today - one of those hanging around, achieving nothing kind of days.

The van had to go into the garage. I had to stay in for a parcel (arrived at 3.30), a handyman, NPower who were supposed to install a new smart meter and some other stuff - they turned up at about 3, to tell me their supplier was useless and they had nothing to install and please would I ring and complain. I did, but wish I hadn't ..  because I had never officially registered as mum's Power of Attorney - so they refused to talk to me until I did ..  (if I'd just lied and claimed to be mum, all would have been fine)

I finally got the van back at 5 and went off to Sunk Island .. and saw the same short eared owl in the same place I'd blipped him very recently.

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