Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul


Some very dramatic sky about today.  Today's blip was taken from Darling Fell of Crummock Water.  The fell on the right is Mellbreak.  Got caught in a couple of hailstone showers enroute to the top but thank goodness they were short showers.  

There was a fantastic rainbow over the M6 earlier and took a shot of it with the camera using the pano mode.  Its the only time I've ever managed to capture a full one.  When I viewed it on the laptop I saw that it was a double  one, so a bonus.   See extras.

Misty is happy as her best friend has come to stay for a week.  She's recently had a cateract operation which was very nearly a disaster and she's now on numerous types of medication for a while which will keep me on my toes :)

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