
By FrankS

Wet Waterside

We had a good day today in spite of the heavy showers/prolonged rain that followed us around.

We picked up our 'new' car this morning, having loaned out our 'old' one to Emma to replace the clapped out Ka. Only the sharp eyed will spot the difference between the two Hyundai as the make, model and colour is exactly the same, only the number plate differs. Oh, we're so adventurous when it comes to cars ;)

Had another conversation with Sky about our broadband, apparently they are baffled and are sending out an engineer on Monday, so still no internet except on my phone, try writing a journal of this size on the fiddly phone keyboard, sigh.......

John and Jennie arrived whilst I was on the phone to Sky; they were very understanding as Ann made coffee.

After that is was onto the Dirty Duck, yes I know we're making a habit of eating there, it IS very good, for lunch. The place was packed, probably due to inclement weather, but we had a good lunch and a great chat, plus a pint of IPA.

They are having an exhibition at the RSC across the road so we paid it a visit. It was a very interesting take on statistics called Of All The People In All The World presented by a theatre group called Stan's Café. Basically various diverse statistics were represented by grains of rice, where one grain of rice represented one person, side by side on papers on the floor; so for instance the number of Millionaires in the UK next to Unemployed 16-24 year olds in UK. See http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/of_all_the_people_in_all_the_world Wiki Web Site.

Then it was over to the Birthplace Café for a selection of interesting teas and cakes.

Incidentally, this is my 200th blip.

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