Trailing Lobelia

Oh boy did it rain today! I have a new water feature in the centre of the back garden. It's no surprise rain is one of the most popular topics of conversation in Scotland.

From Rampant Scotland, some rain related definitions/explanations! :-

Scots, like the rest of the UK, talk a lot about the weather. This hardly surprising - as the hoary old joke so accurately says "If you don't like the weather in Scotland, wait half an hour and it will change". On a "dreich" (wet, dismal) day there may not be a blink of sun and on others it may be "mochie" (warm and damp) and on still others a "simmer cowt" (a heat haze). Of course rain is often a feature ranging from a thunder "plump" (down-pour of rain) making everyone "drookit" (drenched) and producing lots of "dubs" (puddles) and will go into a "burn" (small stream or brook). There may be a more gentle "smirr" (light rain) or there may be an East Coast "haar" (mist from the sea). In winter time, when there are "wreaths" (drifts of snow) and the "snell" (bitingly cold) wind makes everone "fair jeelit" (cold as ice) at least the children can enjoy skiting (sliding) on the ice in a "hunker-slide" (sliding in a crouched position).

It is not always "rainin' auld wives and pipe staples" (heavy rain) or a "pish-oot" (a down-pour) with a "sump" (a great fall of rain). Then again there can be a "thunder-plump" (sudden thunder shower) or a "gandiegow" (heavy shower). Of course, sometimes the weather is just "plowtery" (showery) with a "smirr" (very light rain) or a "dreep" (steady fall of light rain) or a "dribble" (drizzle). Along with the rain it can be "attery" (stormy) with a "blenter" or "flaff" (gusty wind) . The "tousle" (blustery) wind can often feel "snell" (biting). All this wind and rain can produce a "linn" (a torrent or waterfall) and can make us all "droukit" (drenched) and "draggled" (bedraggled) and feel "dowie" (dismal) as we trudge through the "glaur" (mud/mire) or a "sclutter" or "slaister" (messy wetness). The rain may create a "stank" (small stagnant water) while in Glasgow the "stank" is the storm drain in the street. In Perth, the storm drain is called a "condie" (derived, it is said, from the French "conduire"). Then again it may just be "grulie" (unsettled) or even "leesome" (fine) with a "pirl" (gentle breeze). And after the next "plype" (sudden heavy shower) there may even be a "watergow" (a fragmentary rainbow!).

Don't say blipping doesn't give you an education ! Stay dry blippers:)

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