
By MarnieL

Little bird

The snow over the last couple of days has made food scarce for the migrating birds. This feeder, which had been pretty much untouched all winter, fed a flock of these little guys from yesterday evening for most of the day today. So many. So hungry. The feeder needed a fill up when they were done.

This little guy stayed perched in one spot on the feeder. He ate a huge amount of food. He did a pretty good job of sharing with the others in his flock by dropping seed from the feeder onto the ground.

The painters worked in the kitchen and family room again today. When they left for home, the work in that area was done. They will be upstairs working on the bedroom next week. They are working fast and doing great work.

Now my work of cleaning and putting away begins. Got some done tonight but ran out of steam. The pictures will need to be hung tomorrow.

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