Social Distortion

Apparently a group out of Orange County, CA.  I was fascinated by the name and logo.  A budding photographer holding his hand perhaps?  Walking for Wellness in Manchester on a brisk Saturday morning.  

Otherwise a fun day shopping with Logan's fiancee, Josie for things for their apartment.  They'll be moving out of our home and into their own space in a few weeks.  It will be less interesting at home, but it's a good thing for them and Jon and I will be empty nesters again, not completely bad.  Shifting gears once more.

This morning
I became the bird.
My eyes saw the nest
I was creating,
felt the wisps of
fall’s decay in my beak
as I wove
our home.
It felt so big.
This morning
I became the roots
years ago
clawed and sunk
into the earth.
For as much as I know,
I: the root.
Held by you:
the Earth.

This morning
I became the bud.
The spiral magic of
my petals enfolding
my center.
I thought about opening.
I had the choice.
I had no choice.
This morning
I became the riverbed
and as the water
rushed over my reeds
I held the space
between earth and sky.
This morning
I became the morning.
The rose meets grey
of dawn’s first light.
I tried on the new day
the expanse of
as my rays stretched over
your horizon.
 Author: Betsy Delzer 

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