
By cowgirl

Lonesome Larry

My new glasses that I got at the end of last year have never been right somehow, so I had another eye test and more measurements taken. The whole procedure requires a sitting with 3 opticians, and as I was watching the third one tapping away on his iPad ( how appropriate ;-) ) having photographed my eyes with the glasses on when it occurred to me I could get a blip.

However, after shopping and then a visit to a garden centre, we called in at the farm for ' a quick coffee '. About three hours later we left, having had a tour of new babies ( lambs, calves and puppies, which I will try to blip another day when I'm not in clean clothes ) and watched The Grand National. We each picked a horse, but only two of our choices crossed the finishing line, the others either pulled up or unseated their riders. Poor Mary was distraught, clasping her hands to her face and falling on the floor! Her horse only decked it's rider at the second to last fence. We just told her not to mind as nobody picked a winner and there's always next year!

The lamb blip outdid my eyes of course!

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