Housewife's Choice

By christilou

Sunday Morning.....

cuddles.  Little Ro had to work today so by around 4.30 pm we decided to take Little B out.  We went to the woods just a few minutes walk away.  Although it's army land, we've never actually encountered a "battle" but unfortunately on this gloriously sunny Sunday afternoon... we did!  We often see the trainees, entrenched in their camps, huddled in groups and they are always unfailingly polite to us dog walkers.... however today, the noise of gunfire and shouting began and Little B didn't like it, not one bit.  In fact he bolted.  The noise was incredible,  a cacophony of automatic gunfire and shouting.  As I emerged on to the path, I saw a soldier, belly down firing the gun with a group of others running and shouting instructions.  It was horrible and really noisy.   I wanted them to stop so that I could find poor Little B!  Of course he was no where to be found and this "civilian" emerged onto the path in the hopes that they would have to stop, and they did finally.  We called and called him and I waited on the path whilst Richard did a circuit and after about 15 minutes he came across him higher up on the main path way.  He could see and hear my husband but had no intention of venturing back the way he'd come and who could blame him?  I was so relieved, I felt sure he was going to lie low for some time and that we'd have to just sit it out until he crawled out from somewhere..... quite spoilt the day!  He's back safe at home now :)

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