
By snailspace

Slightly surreal

So, just at the point that I decide I really am going to make a picture a day, even if there is "nothing" to shoot... my systems fail me.

My battery was flat. My backup battery was flat. A power outage meant that I could not recharge. I got the Nikon out and it would not even switch on. In the end I settled for the phone camera. The picture was awful, so I messed it up even further in some editing software. The final look suits my mood, I think.

I woke in the night to recognise the signs of the electricity being off - light in the hallway from our emergency lantern, but no light in the room from the radio clock. No idea what the time was, but probably not long after midnight.

It was a major outage, affecting several islands and the indication was that power would be restored around 13:00 hrs. So, Mr L's first day back at work consisted of ringing the boss to tell him that no work could be done. Instead, Mr L addressed himself to the new RV and its needs.

The power came back briefly after midday - long enough for us to relax and switch the computers on but not so long that when the power went off again there was any juice in either UPS, so all computers went down in uncontrolled fashion.

Lunch was an odd affair. I made "green soup" from all the slightly wilting stuff in the fridge, using a camping stove, but could not blend the soup before serving. It was all mottled and kind of stringy but tasted well enough, I suppose.

Oh, the pic - my daffs. I was sad to go away for three weeks as they were coming in to bud and thought that I would miss them but when we arrived home they were just starting to flower. I thought I should record them.

The power cut stymied my attempts at housework today so I tootled off to the shop to see what I might find. Not a lot. The boats are all to pot, with the MV Varagen back in dry dock we are returned to the Refit timetable and add to that the changes made necessary by moving generators out to four islands...  so today's boat was late and new stock had yet to reach the shelves. 

Now that the power is back  I have my final post-holiday laundry load on. It has been a fantastic drying day and most of the laundry has now been folded and put away. I am pleased to see the behind of that little lot.

Mr L's day has been less good. Power came back by 14:00 or thereabouts. Most of his working day will now have to happen after tea time. He has returned to his mail box to find that his employer is withdrawing Broadband provision from their homeworkers. Just like that. After the end of July all homeworkers must fund and provide their own connection.

It cannot be right or legal to make such a change to working conditions without consultation or warning. Mr L has worked  for the same employer, though it has changed ownership and name over the years, for well over 30 years and for 25 of those years he has worked from home -  provision of his connection has always been a part of that deal. 

Now, as he retires at the end of August and we plan to sell the house and go live on the road, is he really going to commit to a 12 month minimum home Broadband contract for F*j*ts*'s benefit? 

I say he should simply refuse to work after the end of July, look them in the eye and say "So, sue me!"

Anyway, today I am living with a seriously p*ss*d off individual. I'd present him with a bunch of daffs but suspect it would not work in cheering him up.

Chocolate, maybe?

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