different efforts

I was awake before 4am, such is the lag of the jets, except I always find it never affects on the way over, on the way back however, ugly stuff. So out the hotel after failing to get back to sleep, shortly before 6am for some pre-sunrise wandering the streets. I do love wandering around places never visited, meeting people, eating new things, seeing new sites. I got lost far less today, in fact a colleague who came to show me how to get into the ofices of Acme Corp couldn't find the hotel so I felt I wasn't a complete numpty.

Today's disovery, beyond a comfirmation of the simply stunning countryside around here is that little known fact food here is so cheap and plentiful and copious in its portions, for many of the small independent businesses, it is a very tough market to play. Which is why I try to steer clear of the large chains and go with the smaller eateries.

Beautiful weather again today, although I understand it is still rank in Edinburgh. No one here is aware of the current jet stream conundrum.


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